(E) OUTCRY FOR EMERGENCY FROM ALTEA: Where the Municipal Council has refused to act constructively for at least 20 years (5th episode)

Door Gepubliceerd op: 23 mei 2024

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The Municipal Council also demands that we widen the roads.

Widening of roads
The roads built by Cortes are rarely 6 meters wide.
The Church does not understand the fact that it itself has accepted Cortes’ gift, but it is not prepared to accept the consequences. For years in a row, the municipality did not stop Cortes in his tracks when he was selling building plots on the hills of Altea and building new (too narrow) roads, so that the plots could remain larger and therefore more expensive.

There is hardly any space for a delivery van in Corb Street.
The Municipality is now shifting the responsibility for widening the roads to the board of the owners’ association.
The Municipality itself had the roads paved on behalf of the owners.
Why didn’t she immediately build hiking trails?
The municipality currently wants roads that are at least 6 meters wide between the sidewalks on the left and right.
The Municipality takes the position that the owners should not only pay the costs of this operation out of their own pockets, but also use their property (the land) for free for these useless public facilities.

This therefore has enormous financial consequences for the owners. In certain cases, a new wall of up to 9 meters high will have to be installed.

And they have to do that on a mountain that moves regularly!
Earthquakes/tremors occur regularly in this area.
The stability of their homes could be at risk!

Pointless waste of money:
There is no need for the construction of footpaths.
All roads are dead ends.
The number of hikers who use dead-end mountain roads for a walk is nil.
Only residents sometimes walk their dogs there.

There is also no use for a road 6 meters wide, because in practice we never have collisions or congestion. Never a problem to pass each other and if that is not possible, we simply let the other person go first:

Trucks drive back and forth. Location = Calle Capella construction site in May 2024.

There is an excellent solution to this problem:
Coloring the public road:

This makes it clear where hikers can be: in the red area.
And the motor vehicles are in the gray area.
And if two motor vehicles have to pass each other, they may use the red area.

Narrow roads and wider roads
There are roads in our urbanization that are less than three meters wide.
Even that does not cause any problems in practice.
The obligation to widen the roads with a sidewalk imposes excessive costs on the owners and these costs are disproportionate to any benefit to public order.

To be continued in EPISODE 6

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