(E) OUTCRY FOR EMERGENCY FROM ALTEA: Where the Municipal Council has refused to act constructively for at least 20 years (4th episode)

Door Gepubliceerd op: 23 mei 2024

A list of topics covered can be found on the INDEX PAGE



No recognized Urbanization
The Municipality does not do anything about maintenance as long as we as an Urbanization are not recognized by the Municipality of Altea.

The Galera de Las Palmeras will only be recognized as an Urbanization after we:
a) the roads are at least 6 meters wide with two lanes
b) installing street lighting in the form of lampposts
c) a sidewalk has been created at every home.
d) the houses are connected to the sewer (instead of a septic tank)

Most building plots are owned by Spanish speculators.
None of those plots now have a street that is 6 meters wide.
None of those plots now have a sidewalk for walkers.
None of those plots are now equipped with a lamppost.
None of these plots are now connected to the sewer.
Even if construction has not yet taken place, these things are still easy to achieve.
These obligations cost speculators building land that they can then no longer offer for sale.

Complicit in structural fraud
For example, you buy 900 m2 of building land.
And then you have to give up two meters or more to the municipality over the entire width and then you have to install a sidewalk and a street widening.
If your plot is located between two roads, you will lose land to the municipality twice and you will have to have asphalt, sewers and sidewalks with lampposts installed twice.
In fact, this is structural fraud with the consent of the government.

Street lighting
Many owners have installed lighting at their own expense for many years.
The municipality refused to install lighting along the public road after it was donated to them by project developer Cortes.

And now the Municipality requires that the owners have lampposts installed near their plots.

If one wish to renovate, you will not receive a permit until a lamppost has been placed on a sidewalk.
Question from the editors:
“Do residents elsewhere in Altea also have to arrange and pay the costs of street lighting themselves?
How did that go in Urb? Altea Hills?”

How did that happen in Urb Sierra Verde, where many kilometers of roads were built in 1999 when no one planned to build there? But very quickly public lighting structurally was made available along the roads.

Even where no housing has been built so far, a sidewalk has been constructed, which is equipped with street lighting with lampposts.

We must replace septic tanks with sewers
Both at the time of the construction of the Galera and when the Municipality started paving the roads, the Municipality saw no reason to immediately install sewers in the roads. Now she is demanding that owners replace their septic tanks with sewers.

Where sewers have been constructed, they are destroyed by trucks that are too heavy.

May 4, 2024 9:45 am.

Unfair treatment

In May 2024 we noted that Altea and Altea La Vella have numerous homes that have no drainage other than a septic tank.
Question from Findinet editors:
“Does the Municipality of Altea have a map showing all homes that are not yet connected to the sewer?
And can it indicate whether these owners have usable asphalted roads that are equipped with street lighting?
If so, can we receive a copy of that card?”

Saying: “Mustard after dinner

In 2006, the Municipality of Altea issued a building permit to a project developer who built no fewer than 5 large villas at the Becada / Xenna address, all equipped with a septic tank.

And since 2010, the Municipality has stated that De Galera may not be a recognized Urbanization until all homes have been connected to a sewerage system, street lighting has been installed, roads have been widened and sidewalks have been installed.

In a stranglehold
And as long as the Galera is not an Urbanization recognized by the Municipality, the Municipality does nothing to maintain the infrastructure! Impoverishment is lurking!
The letter writer wonders:
Has a project developer come forward who is ready to buy up the entire neighborhood for next to nothing and demolish it so that new construction can take place?

Mission impossible
Many homes were built between 1960 and 2010 and these are also equipped with a septic tank.
Nowadays, septic tanks are no longer allowed and so the Garlera is now obliged to abolish septic tanks, after which all homes must be connected to the public sewer at their own expense. This also applies to homes of owners whose names and addresses we are not even allowed to know!
The task that the boards have been facing for 20 years is impossible to achieve!
Question from Findinet editors:
Is it also the case elsewhere in Altea that residents have to organize and pay for infrastructural matters themselves?

EU subsidy
The EU has provided Altea with a royal subsidy for the installation of a sewerage system for homes that still use a septic tank.
Question from the Findinet editors:
What about the expenditure of that subsidy? Where has that money gone?
Why is the Galera structurally the child of the reckoning?

Construction of hiking trails
The owners must then construct these walking paths on their own land.
Anyone who wants to build or renovate their house will only receive a building permit if a sidewalk is first constructed. See red arrow in the photo.
This obligation is not imposed on owners who still have a building plot for sale. See yellow arrow in the photo.
You can also deposit a large deposit at the Municipal Fund and then you can lay the sidewalk when construction is complete.
No money
And then you don’t get the deposit back because the money is lost. The result of this policy is that there is a cacophony of pieces of pavement along the roads. And all those pieces are unequal in width, length and height and so they are not connected to each other.

An accident can sometimes happen in a small way.
It’s a wonder no one has broken their neck there yet.
Examples of pointless sidewalks:

No fear of personal injury
Who is liable if someone falls?
The Municipality does not fear that, because hikers do not come to the Galera because then you have to go up the mountain. So the Municipality of Altea does not have to fear personal injury.
Pointless costly financial sacrifices
If no one uses it, why do we have to incur such high costs?
Who comes up with such policies?
Strange thing: where no house has yet been built, the municipality has NOT insisted on the construction of a sidewalk.
This concerns building plots owned by original Spanish land speculators or their heirs and that gives food for thought. Or is this land owned by the Municipality of Altea?
What is at stake here: The safety of hikers or is it about harassing foreigners who have purchased a home here?
Findinet editors ask:
“Why don’t the owners of vacant lots have a duty to build trails? Which plots are still in the name of project developer Cortes and whi
ch are in the name of the Municipality of Altea?”

Costly joke
Constructing a sidewalk has many consequences, including financial ones:
Then the owners must have their fences and walls demolished and moved.

Beautiful gardens must be sacrificed for the construction of an unusable sidewalk for walkers who cannot get there.

The costs are enormous and the utility is nil.
Someone recently had to build a sidewalk on his property, even though it is a dead-end street!

The result of Altea’s policy: new foundation walls. Garden destroyed. But luckily we now have a sidewalk for walkers who have no business here, because the end of the road is just further on. And there contractors dump their construction waste unbridled into the abyss.

In May 2024 we noted that there are also numerous homes in Altea and Altea La Vella that do not have a sidewalk in front of the door. That is not possible – just like in the Galera, because the houses would have to be demolished first.
Optional location for criminal investors
The best plots were sold by project developer Cortes.
Numerous plots have not yet been sold.

Castles to pay for drugs?
It is conceivable that firms owned by criminals in the Galera would buy such a plot for very little money. The company’s shares are worth little because there is no income.
Then, for weeks, heavy trucks rumbled through the Galera every 10 minutes and destroyed our roads. Even on weekends!

It is doubtful whether the transporters will send an invoice.
And then a capital villa is built.
It then stands empty and the company’s shares change hands for little as payment for drugs delivered at the port of Valencia, Alicante or Altea.
How else can we explain that huge villas are being built that no one uses!

To be continued in EPISODE 5

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