(E) OUTCRY FOR EMERGENCY FROM ALTEA: Where the Municipal Council has refused to act constructively for at least 20 years (6th episode)

Door Gepubliceerd op: 23 mei 2024

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Burglaries and robberies
The number of burglaries and robberies in and around Altea is increasing year after year.
In the hamlet of ALTEA HILLS the number of criminal activities is no less than on Galera.
And this despite the mandatory annualcontribution of € 3,300 per home.

Some urbanizations have security through a barrier and permanent security.
As is the case with Residential Villa Gadea:

No permission to security
But the Municipality does not allow us to install barriers with surveillance.
A building was erected for this purpose by project developer Cortes, but we are not allowed to use it for the purpose for which it was built.

Lookout post for guards

To be continued in EPISODE 7

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