SQUAD SOLAR CITY CAR (translation for CNN)

Door Gepubliceerd op: 7 september 2023

On average, 13 miles are traveled per day in the Netherlands within built-up areas.

These days one is faster in town by using a DOG CART!

Dutch innovation scores well from Holland:
Squad is the world’s first Solar City Car for daily (sub)urban mobility.
A solution for urban emissions and traffic jams, designed for sharing platforms and private use.
Easy as a moped with the comfort and safety of a car.


Aluminum chassis cannot rust
The striking aluminum chassis is lightweight and forms an integral and visible part of the Squad’s design. The roll cage provides protection for the passengers, but it also protects and supports the glass and solar panel, making the Squad very durable and robust, particularly ideal for the harsh realities of inner-city shared mobility use.
Up to 98% of the chassis can be recycled, because aluminum is a very durable metal. It is also light, which contributes to the Squad’s efficiency and its natural resistance to corrosion also makes it a very durable material.

From the presentation:
Squad offers an affordable, safe, fast and sustainable solution for your daily mobility needs. Shopping, commuting to work, taking the children to school, to the sports club, social visits, the doctor, etc.
All your daily journeys without the costs and hassle of parking, charging, traffic or congestion charges.
The Squad is surprisingly spacious and comfortable, stable and very safe with a full crash structure, roll cage and seat belts. Easy to operate, easy to park transversely, easy to access. Sustainable and fun!

Interchangeable batteries
The Squad is a compact City Car designed according to European Union regulations.
Type L6
This offers space for two people and travels at a maximum speed of 45 km per hour.
The L6 does not require a driver’s license in most countries.
Type L7
This offers space for four people and travels at a speed of up to 70 km per hour.
Heating is standard, doors and air conditioning are options and the batteries are portable and interchangeable.
A charged battery pack (4 pieces) at work provides a range of 100 km.
When using 2 batteries, this is still a respectable 70 km. During a stay in the open air, the batteries are continuously charged via a solar panel.

Integrated solar panel
The Squad automatically charges its batteries with solar energy from the solar panel on its own roof. Zero emission, free, quiet and wireless. all day and every day throughout its life cycle, while driving and when parked. Even in northern countries such as the Netherlands, the sun provides enough energy for average city use.

The solar panel can charge the batteries up to 14 miles per day. The solar panel works in any light, even in the shade.

The Squad is powered by electric motors and batteries, so it also works at night, in winter or indoors. If you need extra range, the portable batteries can be charged directly from a normal socket. The Squad is lightweight and very energy efficient.

Park crosswise
With a length of only 2 meters, the Squad can be parked very efficiently at right angles in an average parking space, with the tires against the curb.
Congestion and parking in cities is a growing problem worldwide. An average car has a stationary footprint of about 10 m2, a very inefficient use of scarce space in city centers. A Squad has a footprint of only 2.4 m2, or 1.2 m2 per person. 3 Squads can easily park in 1 parking space. In most cities it is allowed to park the Squad on the sidewalk or in special moped parking spaces.

In most inner city’s there is a speed limit of 30 km within built-up areas.
The compactness of the Squad allows you to maneuver around the city quickly and easily. Avoiding busy traffic, traffic jams and roadblocks.
Traffic jam drivers will watch you pass by with envy.

A solar car for everyone
Squad is an affordable solution for most consumers with a retail price from US$ 6250 excl. TAX. Optional monthly lease or subscription. In most cities you pay no parking fees, no road tax and no traffic congestion charges for a micromobile. The Squad is extremely energy efficient with lower energy consumption than public transport per person per kilometer.

Squad is specifically designed for sharing and MaaS (Mobility as a Service) platforms for (sub)urban mobility. The Squad’s design focuses on safety, comfort, low maintenance and durability for urban use.

Recycled materials are used as much as possible and no driver’s license is required in Europe.
Production of SQUADS may also take place in other countries.

You will find the first Squads on the road from December 2024.
There are already 3,600 cliënts who have placed in advance an order for one or several cars.
Those who reserve a Squad in time will of course be the first you see on the road.

For more information about this innovation, please refer to the website of: SQUAD
Or start the VIDEO!

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Hans van Ommen

Hans van Ommen

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